Saturday, May 2, 2009

Queens day and its after affects

ended early because of the celebrations. The city was packed with people, apparently Amsterdam is the place to be on this holiday. The celebrations actually officially started on the Wednesday night. Some staff members and I walked around the city observing and once in a while joining in. In our area 'Jordan' there were all the well dressed people listening to their jazz and a couple of bars were playing dace music these were all stages on the street mostly a live DJ or bands playing for the crowds. Once a friend and I just started dancing and everyone around us joined in. But walking around dam square and the area of the red light district it wasn't such a chill atmosphere. People were less 'safe' and chill. I got really tired at the end of walking around the entire city center and seeing every style of people and live music. We had the gay scene, the techno, the hard rock and the jazz/pop. We got to bed at 1am which is probably one of the reasons I was so tired on queens day. After my Cleaner Supervising shift I went straight home and chilled... on the way I saw three guys handcuffed by the police(never caught the story of how n' why). Aparently also earlier that day there was an attemted attack on the royal family. A guy drove his car into the crowd trying to hit the family beyond them. Because of the speed he used he lost control and smashed into a monument. However 6 people died with 12 in the hospital.
I went home and chilled relaxed until my head ache left. At 5pm i ventured the streets with my hippi freinds Heather and Jenny. We ended up scavenging the streets finding some abandoned piles of goods.
later in the evening I did it again ending up with a good selection.
On our walk however millions of people were heading to central station. all the main roads in the center were blocked off and it was just a massive flow of pedestrians.

looking from situation to situation I saw a lot of incredibly drunk people lonely sitting in their own urine and vomit. I saw people stumbling along unable to make coherent choices. I saw a lot of brokenness loneliness and sadness. As much as they 'celebrate' there were a lot of sad people that day.

it broke my heart and i didn't celebrate that day.
only prayed for this city and the people who were here this day.
not much else to do.

Queens day was crazy I had a cleaner supervising shift that went from 9:30-1:30

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