Thursday, September 25, 2008

back to the future???....!!

So how did this happen why would we be crazy and take pictures while being dressed up?! well i do have an explanation weather or not its good is up to you to decide.
Basicly about a week ago Misha (from the Czech Republic she has curly blond hair) , April (from Wisconsin she has straight/wavy brown hair) and I went briefly to the Amsterdam libary after work. We were all really struck with the Moderness of it, it was quiet the experiance. So we were inspired to make an apointment and do a photo shot in the library.
This is such a kewl creavtive space i would sugest it as a site to see in amsterdam if you come here on your travels. (they even have a furry wall!)
So thats the story of our crazy Wednesday evening!
Jolanda is my room mate by the way (straight blond hair)

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