Monday, October 19, 2009

Time To Turn conferance

Time To Turn Bezielings Festival
It was awesome. So it was basicly a social justice conferance that happens every year. we had speakers and workshops on oils effect on countries and our consumtion rate. The third way Jesus calls us to deal with violence. Living in community for the good of the community (neighborhood/seeking the peace of the city). Letergical dance and theater for God's kingdom. All the food we ate was biological(organic) or rescued from a dumpster. We had some great times of coming together and praising God and prayer it was awesome. I loved when we had comunion it was so powerful being together as one body.

On sunday our heart for the end of poverty, war, injustice and voilence and our frustraightion to our enslavement to oil brought us to a point of sharing it with the city so that we would not me alone in the quest for a better world and celebrating the good news that Another World Is Possible. We held a funeral service for Oil right by Dam square on 'koop zondag' (shopping sunday) the streets were busy as we walked with our coffins of oil barrels. We were very sad realizing the amount that we use and abuse oil. But while we baried it we realized that poverty, war, injustice and voilence would be barried with it (to some extent). That gave us cause to celebrate. We threw a party with saying we wanted to start walking out that hope of another world we gave out cake and coffee to by standers and asked them to celebrate with us. The shaking shikes oil drum bad (made up of time to turners) played some awsome beats with the awesome phrase 'oil junk kan het en vatje minder'. 'oil junks make it a gallen less' (like we are oil junkies and we need to use and abuse less)
I had some intense and less intense interactions with the crowd. Some people went right into the gospel with me and others stayed on the shallow level of climate change. It was good to step out for truth proclaiming the hope we hold through Jesus.

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